Upcoming Events

Support Your Vitality

Free monthly meet-ups because making the world a better place starts with taking care of yourself.

April 29 (and every last Monday of the month), 18h30-20h30
at Graviola, Cais do Sodré

You might run a startup offering the solution you’ve always looked for, you might be a nurse caring for the sick, you might be an exec searching for ways to improve collaborations in the office, you might be building an app to support green industries, you might be a therapist helping people suffering with physical or mental conditions.

Bottom line, you want to make the world a better place.

You work to make a difference, in micro or macro levels.

You not only advocate change, but also implement.

You choose community over convenience.

Your uniqueness is inherently valuable to your work.

Integrity, authenticity and humility are the building blocks of your business.

So by default, you often have to swim upstream. What you do is not easy most of the time. Maybe you are tired of going it alone?

In order to create change you need to get out of the toxic hustle culture. You know stress and burnout don’t serve you in accomplishing your goals. You are really passionate about your work, but you know that in order to continue to show up in a meaningful way, you need useful strategies to support your resilience.

We are a team of well-being experts here to support you in supporting others.

Boost your well-being toolkit.
Learn about your nervous system, managing stress, maintaining your health, and gain tools to nurture your resilience. Optimising your mental and physical wellness enhances your capacity to show up in the world more effectively.

Meet other change makers.
We are stronger in community. A chance to mingle, socialise, have interesting conversations in an informal setting, between work and dinner. Going it alone is just hard.

Strengthen your network.
You might find new collaborators, connect with new industry resources, get some much needed tech support recommendations, share helpful contacts, receive some moral support. Time to ask if you are looking for something, and to offer if you have something to give.

Lisbon Wellness Open House

Come say hello! Join 5 therapists and enjoy deeply discounted therapies. And support sustainable housing in Portugal- we’re donating a portion of proceeds to Just A Change!

May 4, 11-15h

Summer Retreat: 1/2 day in Sintra

Join us for 4 hours of 3 delicious therapies in Sintra’s beautiful forest, just a 5 minute walk from the train station. Only 38€ on June 30, 15-19h.

Summer is here with its warmth and vitality. It’s the perfect time to refresh your body with revitalising yoga, myofascial massage to lengthen your soft tissues and acupuncture to support your yang energy.

These retreats always book out so be sure to reserve in advance!

Mats and yoga equipment are available, and you may prefer to bring your own. ​

*Floresta Encantada is a 5-minute walk away from Sintra train station. And free parking is also available.