Hack your brain: how to benefit from more endorphins

“I’ve noticed acupuncture is really really good for general wellbeing and particularly for sleep, and just feeling lighter with a nice sense of being.”


Do you want to feel less stressed?

Have a stronger sense of well-being?

Have less pain?

Endorphins are your brain’s natural way to help you experience all these things!

These hormones are neurotransmitters-they’re made in the brain and have a key role in regulating how we feel.

If you want a quick and easy brain hack for releasing endorphins, check out what medical giants Harvard, the Cleveland Clinic and Johns Hopkins have to say about it:

Acupuncture releases endorphins, and it’s safe and effective for kids and adults.

Did I mention kids love acupuncture too?

And if you want to do some acupressure on yourself to help stimulate endorphin release, press Heart 4 near your wrist for 60 seconds, multiple times a day.

If you have something you need care for, acupuncture is a time-tested method for helping the body+mind, and yes, you might just float off the table after! It really does feel so good. 


-HARVARD HEALTH https://www.health.harvard.edu/healthbeat/relieving-pain-with-acupuncture

-CLEVELAND CLINIC https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/treatments/4767-acupuncture

-JOHNS HOPKINS MEDICINE https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/all-childrens-hospital/services/anesthesiology/pain-management/chronic-pain-management/pediatric-acupuncture-clinic


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